{*************************************************************************} {* PART OF THE CODE FOR TABLE REPLICATION - FOR RECORD UPDATE *} {* *} {* Can be used if, and only if the Source and Destination Table have *} {* the same structure, or same field types for all fields for *} {* replication. After many tests of the Replication Engine on poor *} {* dial-up connections, with different InterBase Database Engines *} {* (BDE, IBX, IBO), we came to a conclusion that for best performance, *} {* low level functions, from the IB API, have to be used, and first of *} {* all: ExecuteImmediate() and ExecImmed2(). We measured even up to 10x *} {* better performance with this functions used, instead of standard *} {* Query1.SQL.Add('update ....'); *} {* Query1.Prepare; *} {* ... fill params *} {* Query1.Execute; *} {* Only IBO gives us access to these functions on the low level. The *} {* use of these functions is not as complicated as it seems at a first *} {* look. You have to learn about the XSQLDA and XSQLVAR structures *} {* first (see API Reference Guide) *} {* ------------------------------------------------------------------- *} {* okey: String; // Old key values, all fields in one string structure *} {* nkey: String; // New key values, all fields in one string structure *} {* cusel: TIB_Cursor; *} {* dch_dest: TIB_DSQL; *} {* *} {* TDBTables = class(TObject) *} {* public *} {* property table_name: String; *} {* property target_tbl_name: String; *} {* property tbl_key: TStringList; // Table PK Fields *} {* property tbl_fields: TStringList; // Other Table Fields *} {* end; *} {* *} {* function SelectSQL(tab: TDBTables; key: String): String; *} {* // Create Select SQL from Source Table *} {* *} {* function UpdateSQL(tab: TDBTables; okey, nkey: String): String; *} {* // Create Update SQL for Target Table *} {** **********************************************************************} procedure TDM.UpdateRow(tab: TDBTables; okey, nkey: String); var i: Integer; PIn_DA: PXSQLDA; xvar: PXSQLVAR; begin if tab.tbl_fields.Count > 0 then begin GetMem( PIn_DA, XSQLDA_LENGTH( tab.tbl_fields.Count )); try cusel.SQL.Clear; cusel.SQL.Add( SelectSQL(tab, nkey) ); cusel.First; if cusel.EOF then raise Exception.Create('Error cusel UpdateRow'); with PIn_DA^ do begin version := SQLDA_VERSION1; sqln := tab.tbl_fields.Count; sqld := sqln; for i:=0 to sqln-1 do begin with sqlvar[ i ] do begin xvar:=cusel.Fields[i].PSQLVAR; sqltype := xvar.sqltype; sqllen := xvar.sqllen; sqldata := xvar.sqldata; sqlscale := xvar.sqlscale; sqlind := xvar.sqlind; end; end; end; dch_dest.RetrieveDomainNames := false; dch_dest.ExecuteImmediate( UpdateSQL(tab, okey, nkey), PIn_DA); finally FreeMem( PIn_DA ); cusel.Close; end; end else begin dch_dest.RetrieveDomainNames := false; dch_dest.ExecuteImmediate( UpdateSQL(tab, okey, nkey), nil); end; end; Back
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